Rice Oil & Gas HPC Conference
Wednesday & Thursday, March 2 & 3, 2016
Student/Postdoc Poster Networking Session – March 3, 2016, 3:15pm
We are pleased to announce that we are now accepting poster proposals for consideration to the 9th annual Rice Oil & Gas HPC Workshop (http://rice2016oghpc.rice.edu/). The poster session is a unique networking opportunity for students. Last year we had over 500 attendees from the oil & gas industry, IT industry, academia and national laboratories. The poster session is open to graduate students and postdocs from all universities.
If you are interested in presenting a poster, please submit a title, a short poster description and a list of people involved with your poster by going to:
Please note – you will be required to create an account on EasyChair to access the submission page.
Deadline: Your title and abstract must be submitted for consideration no later Friday, February 12th end of day.DEADLINE EXTENDED! Poster submissions due Tuesday, February 16 at Noon.
While relevance to industry is a consideration, it should be interpreted very broadly. Keep in mind that the oil & gas industry, IT industry, academia and national laboratories participate in this workshop.
If your poster is accepted for presentation, you will be given additional details and guidelines closer to the workshop date.
Submit your poster
Beef up your resume
Join us for great conversation and networking